The right half of the night sky with a vertical red beamA tree on a hill, silhouetted in front of pink-through-red aurora in the night skyA tree on a hill, silhouetted in front of dramatic pink beams fading into a purple-tinted night skyA silhouetted hill-line in front of a red auroraA tree on a hill, silhouetted in front of an aurora which is yellow green at the base but fades into a deep purple as it gets higherA shaft of light cutting across a plastic chair in a dim concrete room.Shadows cutting across a brightly lit set of stairs causing diagonal intersections.Skewed rectangles of light cutting across a shadowed concrete floor.A tiled building with deep shadowed balconies.A highway overpass caught by the light and casting deep shadows.In a horizontal line from left to right, carefully spaced: a wind turbine, a red cabin with a tree behind it, and two more trees occupying similar space. The sky is blue and the lawn dark green; the evening light has already fallen off the lawn but is still hitting the arrayed objects.A single weather-beaten tree stands in the middle of the image, hit by the last of the evening light. To the left a fence and a smaller tree stand, to the right a trampoline with a basketball hoop that stands at an angle. A dark lawn stretches into the foreground.A building of multiple curves on a strange angle, with satisfying texture and tonal gradients.A series of triangular balconies forming a repeating pattern, in black and white.A glass building peeking between two treesA dark grey building reflecting the violet wash of sunsetA curved building with orange fins against a violet sunset sky. A yellow light focuses part of the building.A red zig zag shaped building against the skyA black and white photo of buildings against the skySheer walls of a building, light blue, and a black stairwell with yellow light peeking out.